Aug 24, 2020

Self Edge Graphic Series T-Shirt #12 - Amorphous/Αμορφος

August 24, 2020

Aphex Twin, Ghost in the Shell, Orbital, Andrew Weatherall… All these people and projects have one thing in common, they enlisted the design services of Paul Nicholson to create identities for their musical projects, films, and logos.

It's an honor to have been able to work on our new graphic t-shirt with a legend who created the identities of so many of our favorite artists and labels.

With this new Amorphous t-shirt we were inspired by the changing perceptions of ideas which used to be considered merely two sided. Gender fluidity, politics in nations going through a transitionary period, and musical genres were topics we kept going back to when discussing themes. Trying to distill a message down to a t-shirt design isn’t easy; though we believe graphic tees can be a good start to the conversation.

This t-shirt is available now at all stores and online.

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Self Edge Graphic Series T-Shirt #12 - Amorphous

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